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SLIP Programme

SLIP (Sex, the Law, Internet, and Porn) is a short term educational and age-appropriate programme for young people aged 9-24 who have engaged in risky or potentially harmful sexual behaviour. The programme aims to support participants to understand the impact and consequences of the behaviours and attitudes they’re displaying. The topics are delivered in an informal, interactive, creative, and accessible way, usually over 7 sessions.

A young person is eligible for SLIP if they have no or little understanding about the possible consequences and impact of the risky or potentially harmful sexual behaviours, they’re engaging in.

We do require refers to explore the young person’s level of understanding before making a referral. If the young person has a good understanding of the possible impact and consequences of their behaviours, then as it’s an educational programme SLIP might not be beneficial.

The programme is designed to be delivered to small groups of young people – either a closed group within a provision or an open group that young people from different provisions can join. The open groups are usually delivered online, and participants are placed in the most appropriate group by considering their age, behaviours and other information provided in the referral.

Groups generally work better for most young people because they are less likely to feel that they have been singled out to do the programme and they can discuss things with their peers if they want to. However, we do realise that there will be exceptions and we can deliver SLIP on a 1-1 basis, if necessary. For us to consider a 1-1 referral we do require referrers to explain on the referral form, why this would be best for the young person.

SLIP is free of charge for young people who live in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough. We can provide SLIP outside of these areas, but charges apply - See service charges

SLIP Leaflets

Sexualised Behaviours in Children and Young People

Understanding Sexualised Behaviours in Children and Young People [Understanding SLIP] is a workshop designed to support parents/carers, and/or professionals in navigating conversations about relationships and sex with young people.

If you are concerned that a child or teenager could be exposed to risky sexual behaviours* - online or face to face - then this workshop could provide the support you are looking for to help them understand the consequences of these behaviours and to help prevent them from engaging. 

This course also explains the criteria for accessing the SLIP (Sex, the Law, Internet, and Pornography) programme and how you can make a referral if this is something the young person is interested in. 

*Risky behaviours include sending or viewing inappropriate and/or explicit images and content and inappropriate behaviours with or towards other people.

We can also deliver this workshop at your school or provision.

Understanding SLIP is free for parents and professionals in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough but if you live or work outside of the county, you can join a workshop for a charge - See Dhiverse charges

Email Marisol Sanchez-Blesa for more information -

Meet the Team

Marisol SBP_edited.jpg

RSE Projects Manager

Marisol Sanchez-Blesa


SLIP Programme Facilitator

Lily Quantock

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