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Sexual Health Matters

We are committed to providing inclusive education and support services around relationships, sexual health & wellbeing, and sexual rights & responsibilities.

Who We Are

Our mission is to provide high quality sexual health and HIV support, education and information for all. We are inclusive, caring, non-judgmental and committed to upholding our organization’s values. Through service user involvement, campaigns and collaboration we challenge stigma, prejudice and inequalities.

RSE Lessons

"Dhiverse are incredibly important to enriching the PSCHE lessons that we deliver here at Cromwell. The students really engage in the sessions taught, and staff supervising are always commenting on how fantastic the Dhiverse staff delivering the sessions are. As we have no ‘subject specialists’ teaching PSCHE, it is invaluable for us to have external speakers who are experts in this field. The Dhiverse staff can answer the students’ questions and show fantastic knowledge when doing so. They create an open atmosphere in the sessions they run which is so important to facilitate respectful discussions. We will continue to use Dhiverse and their expert sessions".

Supported by the Best Partners

Chindren in Need Logo
The Henry Smith Logo
The Evelyn Trust Logo
Community Fund Logo

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